
今天就为大家分享一篇来自Nature的教你如何拿到博士学位的六个项目管理技巧“Six project-management tips for your PhD”这些tips可以很大程度上降低不确定性,已经被证实确实可以增加成功几率。目前已经成功“出圈”,影响到学术圈以外,经常被一些企业拿来使用。
文章作者是一名来自乔治亚理工学院(与麻省理工,加州理工并称为美国三大理工学院的生物工程专业(全美前3)的准博士Angel Santiago-Lopez(即将拿到学位)。作者在读博期间,自己总结了这套项目管理技能,并亲身实践验证,很快就要顺利拿下博士学位了,相信对你也会很有帮助,分享给大家。六个策略建议都有一个核心:
定义未定义。define the undefined
佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),简称Georgia Tech,也被简称为Gatech或GT,建校于1885年,是坐落于美国东南部第一大城市亚特兰大的世界顶尖研究型大学。它与麻省理工学院和加州理工学院并称为美国三大理工学院在2020年《USNews》排名中其工程院下各系均位列全美前五工业工程第1,生物医学工程第3,计算机工程第5等。


Define your timeline
新学期一开始,就要想清楚你这学期是要干嘛Define it,明确出来,你在这学期结束时要完成哪些任务,达到什么程度?时刻牢记在心。接着制定出你这个学期的研究项目(比如完成一篇paper综述的初稿)和你的研究生课程(比如进行博士论文答辩)的主要目标和关键时间节点,以此来开始每个学期的研究生涯。
Start the academic semester with the end in mind. What would you like to accomplish by then? Begin each academic term by defining major milestones associated with your research project (for example, completing the first draft of a review article) and your graduate programme (for example, conducting a PhD-proposal defence).
Break down what actions you need to take to achieve each goal. At this point, you can assess the time commitment required, as well as existing hard deadlines, then prioritize each action item to fit within the time available for the semester.



计划中断,随时调整,备好Plan B

 Prepare to be ‘punched in the mouth’
美国拳击手迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)曾经说过:“每个人都有一个计划,直到他们被打脸。” 很多不可控的突发事件(比如实验室中的管道破裂或领导变更截止日期)都会打乱你的计划。最重要的是,你要记住,计划永远赶不上变化,随时准备调整!考虑到研究项目的动态变化,我在学期中进行了一次修订,来重新评估总体进度并确定优先项。做计划时,最好提前预留足够的腾挪空间:制定任务时间表时多预留点时间以备后患,防止突发事件影响到项目整体推进节奏。
American boxer Mike Tyson once said “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”. Unforeseeable events (such as a broken pipe in your laboratory or a change in deadlines from your supervisor) will affect your timeline. It is important to keep in mind that the projected path for your semester will need continuous readjustment. To account for the dynamic nature of a research project, I perform a mid-semester revision to assess overall progress and decide which aspects to prioritize. It is good practice to build margins into your schedule: overestimate the time required to complete a specific task. Margins will serve as a protective cushion against unpredictable events that threaten to thwart your progress.


Define your project scope
Your project scope should start with a clear statement of overall goals, followed by a list of specific things that you expect to deliver in the course of your project. This part can be simplified as a ‘master to-do list’ that, once all checked off, will indicate project completion.


Add value, not experiments 
What is absolutely needed to maximize the value (or impact) of your project? When creating your master to-do list, reflect on what would bring the most value to your project. Once these elements have been identified, devote all your efforts to completing them to the best of your ability. As graduate students, we are sensitive to the double-edged sword of academic freedom and scientific curiosity. You should let your curiosity take the driver’s seat in some cases, but do not use scientific curiosity to justify fishing expeditions outside your project scope. As a graduate student, you have limited time and, often, limited resources.


 Define metrics of success
Well-defined metrics of success lead to small victories. What does success look like for each item on your master to-do list? Having these metrics in place helps to address whether you are moving in the right direction. Ideally, reaching each metric should provide a glimpse of the final product of your research project. I consider reaching each metric a small victory, and each provides a boost of confidence to keep moving forward.


 Make progress by failing early

Failure is inherent to the research process, and fear of failure can damage your productivity by inducing what is known as analysis paralysis — the inaction that comes from overthinking what needs to be done to achieve one’s goals. In my experience, analysis paralysis is hard to overcome when there is a lot at stake. To avoid this, design experiments that address small portions of your overarching research question and give you space to fail early — if you’re wrong about a key assumption in your project design, you’ll want to know as soon as possible. An early failure is a successful failure because it allows you to recalibrate and quickly address the shortcomings of your project.

参考文献:doi: 10.1038/d41586-018-07860-6


