Advanced Materials(以下简称AM)是一本跨学科领域的知名期刊,在国际材料领域科研界享誉盛名。在科睿唯安最新公布的2019年度《期刊引证报告》(JCR)中,AM影响因子上涨至25.809,进一步奠定了该期刊在领域内的领先地位。值此,我们特别采访到了AM期刊主编Peter Gregory博士,听他为我们分享AM期刊的背后故事以及他对中国科研的一些看法。
Peter Gregory博士 ,现任Advanced Materials,Advanced Optical Materials以及Advanced Materials Interfaces期刊主编,同时负责材料、物理及生命科学领域的期刊。
Peter Gregory博士是位化学家,毕业于英国伦敦大学学院(University College London),曾在德国埃尔朗根-纽伦堡大学(University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)从事博士后研究。在Peter Gregory博士的出版生涯中,他致力于Wiley的材料物理期刊项目长达25年,同时也在RSC Publishing有着5年的经历,期间为Wiley和RSC创建了超过25种期刊,其中包括“Advanced”期刊家族中的15个成员。
同时,Peter Gregory博士还是RSC成员,并担任13所大学和研究所的荣誉教授/客座教授。
The Impact Factor of AM has been growing continuously over 30 years, as readership and citation grow. The Editorial Team is very happy with the development, and especially because our journal is multi-/interdisciplinary. Of course, there are strong competitors so there is still much to do.
Research in China has developed tremendously over the last 20 years, especially in areas relevant to energy, sustainability, healthcare, and high-tech. As these are priority areas also for AM the journal team has built a very strong connection to Chinese scientists and this is both fun and good for us all.
All top journals need to have quality and enthusiastic and hard-working global and interdisciplinary editorial teams, and the Advanced team is no different. They enjoy what they do and work hard to provide scientists with an excellent service. I think they have fun working with each other and that gives them an edge.
Open access (and openness) is generally a good thing. But the real question is how publishing services will be paid for in the future, and author-pays open access is only one option. I believe it is important to provide authors and readers with choices which fit their individual requirements, but in the long term, only models that provide reliability, sustainability, quality of service, and equality and fairness will prevail. AM and its sister journals will be offering freedom of choice to the scientific community, so that the scientific record is secured for future generations, and hard work and scientific talent is rewarded in the long term.
China has converted hard work and increasing scientific output into high-quality output. Many Chinese scientists and their institutions can now be counted amongst the best in the world. That is very important for the global economy, and for solving important global challenges facing all nations. I think this strong performance is set to continue, and I am sure that China can help developing countries to play their part in solving the problems.
Much progress has been made and great successes achieved. I imaging that attracting more western students to Chinese universities would be a useful thing to strengthen as science and culture are closely linked and improving western understanding for Chinese culture and performance and friendship will help next generations of scientists to work in harmony together.
Advanced Materials
Advanced Materials has been bringing you the latest progress in materials science every week for over 30 years. Read carefully selected, top-quality Reviews, Progress Reports, Communications, and Research News at the cutting edge of the chemistry and physics of functional materials. One key to the success of Advanced Materials is its pronounced interdisciplinarity.
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