新南威尔士大学是澳洲八大之一,以理工科为强势学科,其中材料学院位于澳洲第一梯队。The Novel Engineering Materials for Conventional and Advanced Technologies (nemcat) group以 Prof. Charles C. Sorrell为学术带头人,现从事电池,催化,生物材料等多方向研究。目前招收研究型硕士与博士生若干名,主要研究以MOFs,各种金属氧化物,及钙钛矿材料为主要研究体系,进行多功能化应用。主要包括以下方向:
1. 储能材料:超级电容器和可充电性电池(锂电)
2. 催化材料:多相催化水分解产氢,包括光催化,电催化及压电催化
(1) 一封含有个人情况的自荐信
(2) 个人简历
(3) 本科与研究生成绩单
(4) 英语成绩 ( ielts/pte or toefl)
(5) 两封专业推荐信
Dr. Sajjad Mofarah (s.seifimofarah@unsw.edu.au),如果条件满足我们会安排面试,并协助协助相关奖学金申请。
the novel engineering materials for conventional and advanced technologies (nemcat) group offers opportunities for postgraduate research for those with interests in industrially oriented projects in energy generation and storage. the group seeks postgraduate research students (master’s and ph.d.), who will be based at the school of materials science and engineering, unsw sydney, and will work in collaboration with the group’s industrial partner vecor technologies pty. ltd.
the group offers a variety of projects in the design and development of metal-based coordination polymers and mofs, metal oxides, polymers, and perovskites with 2d and 3d microstructures for applications including but not limited to:
(1) pseudocapacitors, intercalation pseudocapacitors, and rechargeable batteries
(2) water splitting through electrocatalysis (oer and her), photocatalysis, and piezocatalysis
candidates with backgrounds in materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, physics, and other relevant fields and experience in electrochemistry, batteries, and catalysis are encouraged to apply.
to apply, please send the following documents:
(1) cover letter outlining your pertinent qualifications
(2) curriculum vitae/résumé
(3) grade transcripts (undergraduate and postgraduate studies)
(4) proof of english proficiency (for international students; ielts/pte or toefl)
(5) two professional reference letters
these documents should be forwarded to:
dr. sajjad mofarah (s.seifimofarah@unsw.edu.au)
please ensure that you include all of the requested documentation as receipt of incomplete applications extends the tenure of the process.
suitable candidates will be invited to confirm their details in an online interview. successful candidates will be supported for applications for unsw scholarships (https://lnkd.in/euaqyysn), which are for 3.5 years and cover full tuition fees (a$192,000 total) + living expenses (a$28,000 annually). candidates successful with their applications also will be eligible for top-up scholarships of up to $8,000-$10,000 annually, subject to the academic and industrial research backgrounds.