Seminal papers in the development of Density Functional Theory
1964 P. Hohenberg and W. Kohn, Phys.Rev. 136, B864.
Inhomogeneous Electron Gas
1965 W. Kohn and L. J. Sham, Phys. Rev.140, A1133
Self-Consistent Equations Including Exchange and CorrelationEffects
1969 Meyer, A., & Young, W. H. Physical Review Letters , 23 (17), 973.
Pseudopotentials, Muffin Tins, and Fermi-Surface Anisotropiesin the Alkalis
1979 Hamann DR, Schluter M, Chiang C,Physical Review Letters 43 (20): 1494-1497
Norm-conserving pseudopotentials
1982 Bachelet GB, Hamann DR, SchluterM, PHYSICAL REVIEW B 26 (8): 4199-4228
Pseudopotentials that work – from H to Pu
1982 Kleinman L, Bylander DM, PhysicalReview Letters 48 (20): 1425-1428
Efficacious form for model pseudopotentials
1982 Bachelet, G. B., Hamann, D.R., & Schlüter, M. Physical Review B, 26 (8), 4199.
Pseudopotentialsthat work: From H to Pu.
1983 Sham L J, Schlüter M. Physicalreview letters, , 51(20): 1888.
Density-functional theory of the energy gap
1984 Runge E, Gross EKU, PhysicalReview Letters 52 (12): 997-1000
Density-functional theory for time-dependent systems
1985 Car R, Parrinello M, PhysicalReview Letters 55 (22): 2471-2474
Unified approach for molecular-dynamics and density-functionaltheory
1990 Vanderbilt D, Physical Review B 41(11): 7892-7895 APR 15
Soft self-consistent pseudopotentials in a generalizedeigenvalue formalism
1991 Ziegler T, Chemical Reviews 91(5): 651-667 JUL-AUG
Approximate density functional theory as a practical tool inmolecular energetics and dynamics
1991 Troullier N, Martins JL, PhysicalReview B 43 (3): 1993-2006 JAN 15
Efficient pseudopotentials for plane-wave calculations
1991 Anisimov, V. I., Zaanen, J., & Andersen, O. K. Physical Review B ,44 (3), 943.
Band theory and Mott insulators: Hubbard U instead of Stoner I.
1992 Perdew JP, Chevary JA, Vosko SH,et al., Physical Review B 46 (11): 6671-6687 SEP 15
Atoms, molecules, solids, and surfaces – applications of thegeneralized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation
1992 Payne MC, Teter MP, Allan DC, etal., Reviews of Modern Physics 64 (4): 1045-1097 OCT
Iterative minimization techniques for abinitio total-energycalculations – molecular-dynamics and conjugate gradients
1992 Kobayashi, K., Kurita, N.,Kumahora, H., & Tago, K. Physical Review B , 45 (19), 11299.
Molecular-bond-energy calculations based on theHarris-functional approximation coupled with the generalized-gradient approximation
1992 Kobayashi, K., Kurita, N., Kumahora, H., Tago, K., & Ozawa, K.Physical Review B , 45 (23), 13690.
Nonlocal-density-functional bond-energy calculations of cage-shaped carbon fullerenes C32 and C60
1993 Johnson BG, Gill PMW, Pople JA,Journal of Chemical Physics 98 (7): 5612-5626 APR 1
The performance of a family of density functional methods
1993 Kresse G, Hafner J, PhysicalReview B 47 (1): 558-561 JAN 1
Abinitio molecular-dynamics for liquid-metals
1994 Filippi, C., Singh, D. J., & Umrigar, C. J. Physical Review B , 50(20), 14947.
All-electron local-density and generalized-gradientcalculations of the structural properties of semiconductors.
1994 Zeng, Y., & Holzwarth, N. A.W. Physical Review B , 50 (12), 8214.
Density-functional calculation of the electronic structure andequilibrium geometry of iron pyrite (FeS2).
1994 Söderlind, P., Eriksson, O.,Johansson, B., & Wills, J. M. Physical Review B , 50(11),7291.
Electronicproperties of f-electron metals using the generalized gradient approximation.
1994 Ahuja, R., Auluck, S., Söderlind, P., Eriksson, O., Wills, J. M., &Johansson, B. Physical Review B , 50 (15), 11183.
Fermi surface of noble metals: Full-potentialgeneralized-gradient-approximation calculations.
1994 Kresse G, Hafner J, PhysicalReview B 49 (20): 14251-14269 MAY 15
Ab-initio molecular-dynamics simulation of the liquid-metalamorphous-semiconductor transition in germanium
1994 Blochl PE, Physical Review B 50(24): 17953-17979 DEC 15
Projector augmented-wave method
1995 Holzwarth, N. A. W., & Zeng, Y. (1995). Physical Review B , 51 (19),13653.
Density-functional calculation of the bulk and surface geometryof beryllium.
1995 Barbiellini, B., Puska, M. J., Torsti, T., & Nieminen, R. M.Physical Review B , 51 (11), 7341.
Gradient correction for positron states in solids.
1995 Juan, Y. M., Kaxiras, E., & Gordon, R. G. Physical Review B , 51(15), 9521.
Use of the generalized gradient approximation inpseudopotential calculations of solids.
1996 Kresse G, Furthmuller J, PhysicalReview B 54 (16): 11169-11186 OCT 15
Efficient iterative schemes for ab initio total-energycalculations using a plane-wave basis set
1996 Kresse G, Furthmuller J,Computational Materials Science 6 (1): 15-50 JUL
Efficiency of ab-initio total energy calculations for metalsand semiconductors using a plane-wave basis set
1996 Perdew JP, Burke K, Ernzerhof M,Physical Review Letters 77 (18): 3865-3868 OCT 28
Generalized gradient approximation made simple
1996 Scott AP, Radom L, Journal ofPhysical Chemistry 100 (41): 16502-16513 OCT 10
Harmonic vibrational frequencies: An evaluation ofHartree-Fock, Moller-Plesset, quadratic configuration interaction, densityfunctional theory, and semiempirical scale factors
1997 Sanchez-Portal D, Ordejon P,Artacho E, et al., International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 65 (5): 453-461DEC 5
Density-functional method for very large systems with LCAObasis sets
1997 Marzari N, Vanderbilt D, PhysicalReview B 56 (20): 12847-12865 NOV 15
Maximally localized generalized Wannier functions for compositeenergy bands
1997 Anisimov, V. I., Poteryaev, A. I., Korotin, M. A., Anokhin, A. O., &Kotliar, G. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 9 (35), 7359.
First-principles calculations of the electronic structure andspectra of strongly correlated systems: dynamical mean-field theory.
1997 Anisimov, V. I., Aryasetiawan, F., & Lichtenstein, A. I. Journal ofPhysics: Condensed Matter , 9 (4), 767.
First-principles calculations of the electronic structure andspectra of strongly correlated systems: the LDA+ U method.
1998 Dudarev, S. L., Botton, G. A., Savrasov, S. Y., Humphreys, C. J., &Sutton, A. P. Physical Review B , 57 (3), 1505.
Electron-energy-loss spectra and the structural stability ofnickel oxide: An LSDA+ U study.
1999 Kohn, W. Reviews ofModern Physics , 71 (5), 1253.
Nobel Lecture:Electronic structure of matter—wave functions and density functionals.
1999 Goedecker S, Reviews of ModernPhysics 71 (4): 1085-1123 JUL
Linear scaling electronic structure methods in chemistry andphysics
1999 Kresse, G., & Joubert,D. PhysicalReviewB , 59 (3),1758.
From ultrasoftpseudopotentials to the projector augmented-wave method.
2003 Petukhov, A. G., Mazin, I. I., Chioncel, L., & Lichtenstein, A. I.Physical Review B , 67 (15), 153106.
Correlated metals and the LDA+ U method.
2003 Engel, E. (pp. 56-122). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Orbital-dependent functionals for the exchange-correlationenergy: a third generation of density functionals. In A primer in densityfunctional theory
2005 Rulis, P., Chen, J., Ouyang, L.,Ching, W. Y., Su, X., & Garofalini, S. H. (2005). Physical Review B , 71(23), 235317.
Electronic structure and bonding of intergranular glassy filmsin polycrystalline Si3N4: Ab initio studies and classicalmolecular dynamics simulations.
2006 Aryasetiawan, F., Karlsson, K.,Jepsen, O., & Schönberger, U. Physical Review B , 74 (12), 125106.
Calculations of Hubbard U from first-principles
2007BOOK Burke, K.Department of Chemistry,University of California , 40.
The ABC of DFT
2010 Rivero, P., de PR Moreira, I., & Illas, F. Physical Review B , 81(20), 205123.
Electronic structure of single-layered undoped cuprates fromhybrid density functional theory.
2010 Wang, B. T., Shi, H., Li, W., & Zhang, P. Physical Review B , 81(4), 045119.
First-principles LDA+ U and GGA+ U study of neptunium dioxide.
2011 BOOK:Sholl, D., &Steckel, J. A. John Wiley & Sons.
Density functional theory: a practical introduction .
Science 2016 Lejaeghere, K., Bihlmayer, G., Björkman, T.,Blaha, P., Blügel, S., Blum, V., … & De Gironcoli, S, 351 (6280),aad3000.
Reproducibility in density functional theory calculations ofsolids.
Science 2016 Thygesen, K. S., & Jacobsen, K. W. 354(6309), 180-181.
Making the most of materials computations.
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