01阴阳怪气型The authors are amateur.你丫怕不是个兼职吧?!Did you have seizure while writing this sentence? Because I fell like I had one while reading it.你写的时候,有没有癫痫我不知道;反正我读的时候,感觉自己是有的。This article reads like an advertisement for XXX这文章确定不是在为XXX打广告?This is a very difficult paper to review, and difficult – even painful – to read如芒刺背、如鲠在喉、如坐针毡!!I started reading this manuscript with much anticipation. But my enthusiasm was short lived.人生若只如初见!!我满怀期待读这篇文章,但热情却很快夭折了。The writing and data presentation are so bad that I had to leave work and go home early and then spend time to wonder what life is about.写作水平和数据展示让我整个人都不好了,我不得不提前下班,早点回家,花点时间思考到底什么是人生。02暴躁失智型This paper makes no contribution.这文章么有锤子贡献。I have rarely a more blown-up and annoy paper in the last couple of years than this hot-air balloon manuscript.几年来,我从没读过像这篇热臭屁一样烦人的文章!The biggest problem with manuscript, which has nearly sucked the will to live out of me, is the terrible writing style.这篇文章问题太多了,特别是这个写作风格,简直摧残了哥身体里的求生意志,真想自挂东南枝!“Done! Difficult task, I don’t wish to think about constipation and faecal flora during my holidays! But, once a referee, always and anywhere a referee; we are good boy scouts in the research wilderness. Even under the sun and near a wonderful beach.“收工!太不容易了。我才不想装着一脑子便秘和粪便菌落来度假。但是,一朝做了审稿人,永远都是审稿人,到哪儿都是审稿人,即使身处洒满阳光的沙滩,我们是科研荒野中勇敢的童子军。“The presentation is of a standard that I would reject from an undergraduate student.”就算回到本科生时期,我都会拒掉这种水平的投稿。This paper is desperate. Please reject it completely and then block the author’s email ID so they can’t use the online system in future.这篇论文烂到家了,请彻底拒稿!然后拦截他的电子邮件ID,杜绝他再来投稿。Reject–More holes than my grandad’s string vest!拒!漏洞比我爷爷网眼背心上的网眼还要多!