
来源丨学位与写作 ← 关注Ta


一. 致谢的重要性

1 国外学位论文的致谢一般处在论文封面和目录之间。而国内则放在正文之后。
2 博士学位论文的致谢部分是学位论文阅读最广泛的部分
According to one source, theAcknowledgements section of a Ph.D. dissertation is the most widely readsection.Whether you believe this or not, many individuals who helped you in the processof writing may check to see if, indeed, they have meant something to you.——WRITING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Saying“Thank You”
二. 致谢中可能存在的问题

1 态度抄袭:将学长的致谢拷入到自己的学位论文之中,仅替换姓名等名词来当作自己的致谢。

2 对导师和评委等进行不合适的评价:在致谢中,存在对导师等人的学术水平和为人进行评价的现象。致谢不是评语。

3 过度致谢:过度是指夸大其词或无关致谢。不是所有人都能接受被过度致谢。

4 泄露隐私被致谢对象都有自己的隐私(包括身份隐私和行为隐私)。 

5 遗漏:一般不会遗忘致谢导师以及一些身边帮助过自己的人。但是,大多数论文的最终版没有致谢那些给自己提供过有效建议的论文评阅人、答辩委员成员以及外部专家。 



三. 书写致谢的建议


2 确定致谢各段落的逻辑顺序。 标准的致谢按顺序包含五段内容,第一段是对导师的致谢,第二段是对论文评阅人的致谢,第三段是对答辩委员会主席和提出问题需求的企业负责人的致谢,第四段是对工作过程中提供过数据和建设性建议的同行专家的致谢,第五段是对帮助过自己的实验室人员和学校管理服务人员的致谢。

3 将致谢先呈现给导师看。 致谢写好后,主动交给导师提建议。不同的导师可能对致谢风格有不同理解,如果他认为有不妥,可以按建议修改。 

4 在语言风格上琢磨。 花数天时间去想到致谢中合适的词汇,形成属于自己的独特语言。尽量使用通俗易懂的语句,避免使用难以理解和难以辨认的古词语。

5 多次补充致谢对象。预答辩前的草稿需要有致谢初稿。预答辩后加上预答辩中帮助过自己的专家。论文送审后加上值得感谢的论文评阅人。答辩后添加值得感谢的答辩委员会成员。 

四. 致谢样板
首先,我谨向巴黎高职(ENSAM)教授、阿兰.勒莱特(A. Lerat)先生表示深切的谢意,是他曾经接纳我开展这份博士论文工作,是他一直以来在热心地关注我的工作。我要感谢他在我整个工作过程中提供建议和支持。
我也同样地感谢巴黎第八大学的哈珀恩(L. Halpern)教授和法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的研究主管费勒布瓦(F. Feuillebois)先生,感谢他们评阅了我的博士论文并作为答辩委员会专家参加我的答辩。
我也感谢巴黎第六大学教授吉劳德(J.-P. Guiraud)先生接受(作为答辩委员主席)参加我的博士论文答辩,感谢标致雪铁龙汽车集团(PSA)的空气热化学研究主管吉诺特(S. Guinotte)夫人对本工作的支持与鼓励。
我也不会忘记感谢标致雪铁龙汽车集团的发动机物理实验室负责人范诺贝尔(F. Vannobel)夫人给本研究提供了实验结果支持和对本研究表现出的兴趣,同样感谢法国国家宇航研究局(ONERA)的部门助理主管塞德斯(J. Sides)先生,我们有过有趣的讨论。
我必须感谢所有SINUMEF实验室成员,尤其感谢达鲁(V. Daru)夫人、卡尔法拉赫(K. Khalfallah)先生和拉孔贝(G. Lacombe)先生在科学层面的帮助以及友谊。也感谢希德尔(S. Sider)女士和师弟博莱尔(C. Borel), 夏阳(P. Chaillant), 科尔(C. Corre), 罗罗(A. Raulot)和 拉威尔(J.-C. Ravel)的帮助和友谊。最后我要感谢图书馆和计算中心的所有成员,尤其感谢诺里根(Norigeon)先生和石井民(Ishiomin)先生提供的有用帮助。


I would like to first extend my gratitude to my family for all of the love andsupport they have given me throughout this journey.  My children, Hailey and Liam, have and willalways be my greatest accomplishments but they are also the reason why I havepushed myself so hard to achieve my dreams. There is no limits to what you can accomplish as long as you stay trueto yourself and work hard for what you want. I am so proud to be their mother and know that they both have thebrightest of futures in front of them.
To my husband, Phillip, who has supportedme and been my rock when things got tough and late nights and lack ofhousekeeping became the norm. You gave me the strength, and the help that Ineeded to push through those times and scale the walls that often blocked mefrom finishing.  I cannot tell you howgrateful I am to be able to share this life with you and see what the world hasin store for us next.
To my parents and my aunt who alwaysreminded me how proud they are of me. Especially my mother who during late night conversations would let meknow that I am strong and can do anything I set my mind to.  I know grandma and grandpa are also by myside in spirit cheering me on and standing proud.  I just wish they were here to see thisaccomplishment in person.  I love all ofyou so much and can’t express how much I appreciate your support andpatience. 
Dr. Alan Levine, Dr. Lia Richards-Palmiter,and Dr. Amy Paciej-Woodruff.  You haveall been the most amazing support system and mentors and I could not have askedfor a better dissertation committee.  Dr.Levine, you were a constant cheerleader, a mentor, a motivator, and you continuallychallenged me to consider other aspects of my dissertation that overall made mea better researcher.  I am forevergrateful for your guidance and support. Dr. Richards-Palmiter, you have been a mentor to me for a great deallonger than this portion of my education. You have made me strive to seek out my dreams and find my passion.  You are also a true friend andconfidant.  I am truly thankful to haveyou in my life and as a key member to help me achieve this degree.  Dr. Paciej-Woodruff, I have always admiredyou and felt honored to have you as a member of my committee.  Your mentorship and amazing advice truly madea big impact in achieving this dream and for that I am forever grateful.
I also want to thank my amazing coworkerswho have given me the strength and support that I needed to accomplish thisgreat feat.  Antonia, Bev, Michelle, Lia,and Meghan, you are the dearest of friends and the best coworkers a girl couldask for!  Being able to work on a dailybasis with such strong, intelligent, compassionate, and downright amazing womenis an honor and I know I am a better person because you are all in my life.
Finally, to my cohort of amazing doctoralstudents who have trudge along with me throughout the years, especially Meg,Brooke, Sr. Kevin, and Kim. You are such amazing women and I am honored to havegone on this journey with you.  You allhave made this experience one I will never forget.  Not only have you been great friends andsupporters but you have also shared your lives and experiences with me that Iwill forever embrace now as a part of the person I have become.  From the late night texts to the panic wefaced during this crazy pandemic, I am so thankful to have you all in my lives!

来源:Christina R. Brundage, An Examination of Racial/Ethnic Minority Student Engagement in Career DevelopmentActivities and Barriers to the Career Development Process While Attending aPredominantly White Institution of Higher Education: A Quantitative Case Study, PhD Dissertation, MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES, May 2020


