


Fig. 1 Summary of fracture simulations for crack system (100)[010], (100)[011], (110)[001], and (110)[110].

来自荷兰格罗宁根大学的Francesco Maresca教授和博士生张磊,提出了一种提取裂纹尖端信息的主动学习方法,这一方法可应用于不同机器学习框架和不同材料,能够以近第一性原理精度预测原子尺度下裂纹尖端的变形行为。

Fig. 2 Fracture predictions of Fe-GAP18 trained on Dragoni et al. original database.



Fig. 3 Main steps of the active learning procedure.

该研究与相关实验测得的断裂韧性的对比揭示了即使在低温条件下(77K),位错活动对断裂韧性的影响仍不可忽略,为多尺度方法模拟工程材料的断裂韧性提供了新方法。相关论文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 9: 217 (2023)手机阅读原文,请点击本文底部左下角阅读原文,进入后亦可下载全文PDF文件。

Fig. 4 Maximum model uncertainty as a function of K for four crack systems. 

Editorial Summary

Crack-tip deformation mechanism in bcc iron: dislocation emission VS. cleavage? Active learning interatomic potential!

The prediction of atomistic fracture mechanisms in body-centred cubic (bcc) iron is essential for understanding its semi-brittle nature. Current research suggests that the interplay between thermal activation of screw dislocations and crack-tip dislocation emission dominates the brittle-to-ductile transition in BCC metals. Due to the limitation of computational power, DFT is not able to simulate the atomic-scale crack-tip extension. Classical molecular dynamics (MD) with different EAM interatomic potentials yield different crack-tip deformation mechanisms, which contradicts each other.

Fig. 5 Energy/force error and uncertainty analysis of the crack-tip configurations.

This study proposes an active learning approach to extract crack-tip configurations, applicable across various machine learning frameworks and materials, enabling first-principles accuracy in predicting atomic-scale crack-tip deformation mechanism. 

Fig. 6 Atomic snapshots showing the fracture mechanism at T=0K predicted by Fe-GAP22.

Professor Francesco Maresca and PhD student Lei Zhang at the University of Groningen developed a Gaussian approximation potential with near DFT accuracy, revealing that brittle fracture is the dominating mechanism in single-crystal iron with pre-existing cracks at low temperatures. The research demonstrates that the accuracy of machine learning potentials can be improved through specially designed database configurations, and active learning is significantly efficient than manually adding relevant configurations. By comparing the MD predicted fracture toughness with experiments, the study showed that even at low temperatures (77K), the influence of dislocations on fracture toughness cannot be ignored. 

Fig. 7 Energy change and traction as a function of the rigid separation process. 

The research emphasizes the importance of multiscale simulations in predicting fracture toughness, offering new insights for engineering materials using multiscale simulation methods.This article was recently published in npj Computational Materials 9: 217 (2023).

Fig. 8 Critical KI predicted by Fe-GAP22 at different temperatures (T=0K − 300K).


Atomistic fracture in bcc iron revealed by active learning of Gaussian approximation potential (基于主动学习的高斯近似势函数揭示BCC铁在原子尺度下的断裂机制)

Lei Zhang, Gábor Csányi, Erik van der Giessen & Francesco Maresca 


The prediction of atomistic fracture mechanisms in body-centred cubic (bcc) iron is essential for understanding its semi-brittle nature. Existing atomistic simulations of the crack-tip under mode-I loading based on empirical interatomic potentials yield contradicting predictions and artificial mechanisms. To enable fracture prediction with quantum accuracy, we develop a Gaussian approximation potential (GAP) using an active learning strategy by extending a density functional theory (DFT) database of ferromagnetic bcc iron. We apply the active learning algorithm and obtain a Fe GAP model with a converged model uncertainty over a broad range of stress intensity factors (SIFs) and for four crack systems. The learning efficiency of the approach is analysed, and the predicted critical SIFs are compared with Griffith and Rice theories. The simulations reveal that cleavage along the original crack plane is the atomistic fracture mechanism for {100} and {110} crack planes at T = 0 K, thus settling a long-standing issue. Our work also highlights the need for a multiscale approach to predicting fracture and intrinsic ductility, whereby finite temperature, finite loading rate effects and pre-existing defects (e.g., nanovoids, dislocations) should be taken explicitly into account.




