第一作者:Ankit Negi
通讯作者:Prof. Jun Liu
单位:North Carolina State University
在铁电材料中,通过外加电场可以调控铁电畴壁的数量,状态,和分布,从而达到调控材料属性的目的。在热学应用这个问题上,大量的前人研究已经证实铁电畴壁是具有很显著的热阻的,那么这些可以被外场控制的热阻就可以用来调控铁电材料的热导率,达到热管理的目的。之前的材料研究对象大多数集中在纳米级别厚度的薄膜材料中或者在极低温度下(液氦温度左右),很少有研究会关注室温下的块体材料 (至少毫米级别厚),而这些块体材料本身在传感器,驱动器,存储器等实际应用中广泛使用。
近日美国北卡州立大学刘君教授课题组及其合作者选用了实际应用中常见的PMN-PT单晶,利用交变电场控制铁电畴壁实现了块体单晶材料在室温下较大的热调制。此外,通过研究还发现,热导率可以作为一个间接评估铁电材料中铁电畴壁数量和分布的参量, 并通过两种偏振光显微镜技术验证了这一点。该项工作为以后更好的表征和控制铁电畴壁提供了更多的可能性,也为实现固体材料中的热调制提供了新的思路。此项工作发表在《先进材料》(Advanced Materials) 期刊上, 该期刊是Wiley出版社的旗舰期刊,目前影响因子为32。

图1. 论文中使用的PMN-PT铁电晶体。

图2. 可重复地调制铁电晶体的热导率和表面温度。UP:没有极化的状态;DCP:通过恒定电场极化的状态;ACP:通过交变电场极化的状态。
论文标题:Ferroelectric domain wall engineering enabled thermal modulation in PMN-PT single crystals
论文摘要:Acting like thermal resistances, ferroelectric domain walls can be manipulated to realize dynamic modulation of thermal conductivity (k), which is essential for developing novel phononic circuits. Despite the interest, little attention has been paid to achieving room‐temperature thermal modulation in bulk materials due to challenges in obtaining a high thermal conductivity switch ratio (khigh/klow), particularly in commercially viable materials. Here, room‐temperature thermal modulation in 2.5 mm‐thick Pb(Mg₁/₃Nb₂/₃)O₃‐xPbTiO₃ (PMN‐xPT) single crystals is demonstrated. With the use of advanced poling conditions, assisted by the systematic study on composition and orientation dependence of PMN‐xPT, a range of thermal conductivity switch ratios with a maximum of ≈1.27 is observed. Simultaneous measurements of piezoelectric coefficient (d₃₃) to characterize the poling state, domain wall density using polarized light microscopy (PLM), and birefringence change using quantitative PLM reveal that compared to the unpoled state, the domain wall density at intermediate poling states (0< d₃₃< d₃₃,max) is lower due to the enlargement in domain size. At optimized poling conditions (d₃₃,max), the domain sizes show increased inhomogeneity that leads to enhancement in the domain wall density. This work highlights the potential of commercially available PMN‐xPT single crystals among other relaxor‐ferroelectrics for achieving temperature control in solid‐state devices.

照片中是美国北卡州立大学团队成员。从左到右依次是:Yong Zhu, Xiaoning Jiang, Kara Peters, Anastasia Timofeeva, Ankit Negi (第一作者), Jun Liu (通讯作者), Hwang Pill Kim, Xuanyi Zhang, and Divine Kumah。
论文合作者还有美国Idaho国家实验室的Zilong Hua博士。