
在光照条件下,具有中心反演对称破缺的体材料能够产生直流电流,这种效应被称为体光伏效应(bulk photovoltaic effect)。与基于p-n结的传统光伏器件相比,体光伏效应的能量转换效率可能不会受到肖克利奎瑟极限的限制,从而为光能向电能的转换提供了一种额外的途径。

Fig. 1 Ferroelectric single-element group-V monolayers.

位移电流(shift current)被认为是体光伏效应的主要机制之一,它是一种二阶非线性光电效应,与材料的能带拓扑性质紧密相关。一般来说,一个材料的联合态密度(joint density of states)越大、化学键共价性越强、电子态越离域,位移电流就越大。

Fig. 2 Electronic band structures and shift current spectra of monolayer As.



Fig. 3 Shift vector and transition intensity in monolayer As. BZ-integrated shift vector (Ry;y ) and transition intensity (εyy2) for σyyy in monolayer As.


Fig. 4 Band structure and shift current in bilayer As.

研究发现这些单质二维材料确实可以产生非常强的位移电流。以单层Sb为例,其位移电流系数可以达到~2000 ,相比于传统铁电材料如PbTiO3~50)与二维GeS~100),实现了1-2个量级的提升。如图5b所示,二维单质铁电材料的位移电流在可见光区域显著优于此前已经报道的块体和二维铁电材料。

Fig. 5 Electronic band structures and shift current spectra of monolayer Sb.



Fig. 6 Electronic band structures and shift current spectra of monolayer Sb.


Fig. 7 Shift vector and transition intensity in monolayer Sb. BZ-integrated shift vector (Ry;y ) and transition intensity (εyy 2 ) for σyyy in monolayer Sb.

基于这些结果,HSE+SOC被认为是量化位移电流相对可靠的计算方法。该文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 9: 67 (2023).


Fig. 8 Analysis of the electronic structure of monolayer Sb.


Shift current response in elemental two-dimensional ferroelectrics

Zhuang Qian, Jian Zhou, Hua Wang, and Shi Liu

A bulk material without inversion symmetry can generate a direct current under illumination. This interface-free current generation mechanism, referred to as the bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE), does not rely on p-n junctions. Here, we explore the shift current generation, a major mechanism responsible for the BPVE, in single-element two-dimensional (2D) ferroelectrics represented by phosphorene-like monolayers of As, Sb, and Bi. The strong covalency, small band gap, and large joint density of states afforded by these elemental 2D materials give rise to large shift currents, outperforming many state-of-the-art materials. We find that the shift current, due to its topological nature, depends sensitively on the details of the Bloch wave functions. It is crucial to consider the electronic exchange-correlation potential beyond the generalized gradient approximation as well as the spin-orbit interaction in density functional theory calculations to obtain reliable frequency-dependent shift current responses.

Fig. 9 Electronic band structures and shift current spectra of monolayer Bi.

摘要 具有中心中心反演对称破缺的块体材料在光照下可以产生直流电。这种不依赖于p-n结的非界面电流产生机制被称为体光伏效应。位移电流是导致BPVE的主要机制,因此我们研究了二维单质铁电体如单层As, SbBi的位移电流。这些单质二维材料具有强共价、较小的带隙和较大联合态密度,使得它们可以产生较大的位移电流,显著优于许多此前报道的材料。我们发现,由于其拓扑性质,位移电流敏感地依赖于布洛赫波函数的细节。在密度泛函理论计算中,使用超越广义梯度近似的电子交换关联势,以及考虑自旋轨道耦合相互作用是获得可靠的位移电流频谱的关键。


Fig. 10 Shift vector and transition intensity in monolayer Bi.


