

Fig. 2 Calculated results of ferroelectric bilayer MoS2.

Fig. 3 Calculated results of ferroelectric bilayer WTe2.
这一发现拓展了对铁电和BPVE关系的理解。一方面,面外BPVE能用于设计可控光电器件。另一方面,平面内的BPVE对铁电翻转具有鲁棒性,其不可切换的特点有利于构建更大尺寸的光电器件。相关论文发布于npj Computational Materials 8: 138 (2022)。

Editorial Summary
Ferroelectricity and bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) are two basic physical phenomena that emerge in condensed matter materials due to symmetry breaking. Generally speaking, BPVE appears in systems without inversion symmetry, and ferroelectric materials often have the conditions for BPVE. As a result, the ferroelectric materials with switchable electronic polarization are one of the most studied BPVE materials, and the corresponding energy conversion efficiency can exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit. Previous studies revealed that BPVE often appears in conjunction with ferroelectric order flipping. For example, under the inversion symmetry operation, ferroelectric polarization and BPVE switch together in all directions, and thus ferroelectric polarization can be used to manipulate the direction of BPVE photocurrent. However, only from the symmetry point of view, ferroelectric polarization only needs to satisfy a polar vector, and BPVE coefficients forms a rank-three tensor. Ferroelectric and BPVE meet different symmetry-transformation requirements, and in principle should not always synchronize. Thus, a precise understanding of the relationship between the ferroelectric order and the BPVE is of tremendous significance in both fundamental research and the design of photoelectric devices.
Here, Prof. Hui Li from Anhui University and Prof. Yang Gao from University of Science and Technology of China, performed a systematic study on two-dimensional sliding ferroelectrics and found that sliding ferroelectric order can satisfy non-synchronous BPVE. Using symmetry analysis of the abstract bilayer crystal model, they found that opposite ferroelectric states are related to the mirror operator, but this mirror-symmetry cannot flip all the BPVE tensor elements. Taking WTe2 and MoS2 as examples, they confirmed through first-principles calculations that in-plane BPVE does not change the sign with ferroelectric order. This finding extends the understanding of the relationship between ferroelectricity and BPVE. On one hand, the switchable out-of-plane BPVE can be used to design switchable photoelectric devices. On the other hand, the in-plane BPVE is robust against the ferroelectric flipping, and the unswitchable character is beneficial to construct larger-scale photoelectric devices. This article was previously published in npj Computational Materials 8: 138 (2022).
Non-synchronous bulk photovoltaic effect in two-dimensional interlayer-sliding ferroelectrics (二维层间滑移铁电体中的非同步体光伏效应)
Rui-Chun Xiao, Yang Gao, Hua Jiang, Wei Gan, Changjin Zhang & Hui Li
Abstract Spontaneous polarization and bulk photovoltaic effect (BPVE) are two concomitant physical properties in ferroelectric materials. The flipping of ferroelectric order usually accompanies the switching of BPVE in all directions because both of them are reversed under the inversion symmetry. In this study, we report the non-synchronous BPVE in two-dimensional (2D) interlayer-sliding ferroelectric materials featuring unswitchable in-plane BPVE (light-induced photocurrent in the xy plane) and switchable out-of-plane BPVE (light-induced polarization along the z-direction). Symmetry analysis within the abstract bilayer crystal model and first-principles calculations validate these BPVE properties. It is because the positive and negative ferroelectric states caused by interlayer sliding are related by mirror symmetry which cannot flip all the BPVE tensor elements. This finding extends the understanding of the relationship between ferroelectricity and BPVE. On one hand, the switchable out-of-plane BPVE can be used to design switchable photoelectric devices. On the other hand, the in-plane BPVE is robust against the ferroelectric flipping, and the unswitchable character is beneficial to construct larger-scale photoelectric devices.