

Fig. 1 Overview and architecture of MLMD.

来自上海大学材料基因组工程研究院的张统一院士团队,开发了MLMD (matdesign.top),一个面向材料设计的无需编程AI平台,平台可以实现材料的高通量筛选和代理优化,进行单目标或者多目标的材料设计。同时可以针对材料领域小数据问题,开发了基于贝叶斯的主动学习和基于迁移学习的无编程材料在线设计流程。


Fig. 2 | Flowcharts of materials design inMLMD platform.



Fig. 3 | Cross-validation results of six ML models through classification module within our MLMD platform.

MLMD平台通过对6类材料数据开展的示例性研究显示,平台可以仅通过鼠标点击式操作的方式,完成材料的性能预测和优化设计。例如,在代理优化模块中,作者使用MLMD成功地设计出在300 ℃环境下强塑性优异的RAFM钢,其中抗拉强度723.1 MPa,总伸长率20.7%,抗拉强度与初始数据集相比提高了12.5%,总伸长率提高了41.4%。并且通过简单的超参数设置,可发现位于Pareto边界上的其他具有优异特性的材料,根据具体要求应用于多种场景。在主动学习模块中,作者基于自研的主动学习库(Bgolearn),使用了EIREIUCB等效能函数对高硬度的AlCoCrCuFeNi高熵合金进行了成分设计,所得的成分与原始工作中的成分相近,并提供了更多候选成分。

Fig. 4 The atomic percentage distribution of novel AlCoCrCuFeNi HEAs designed through active learning module in MLMD.
MLMD平台致力于将材料试验/计算与设计相结合,为科研人员提供前沿的机器学习工具,能够无编程利用材料信息理念下的材料设计流程,加速发现一种或者多种优异特性的新材料,MLMD有潜力成为科研人员在材料研发中不可或缺的工具,推动材料信息学的发展。本文共同第一作者是上海大学博士生马家轩和香港科技大学(广州)博士生曹斌,上海大学孙升研究员和熊杰助理研究员为共同通讯作者。相关论文近期发布于npj Computational Materials 10: 59 (2024)手机阅读原文,请点击本文底部左下角阅读原文,进入后亦可下载全文PDF文件。

Fig. 5 | The RAFM steels design process through surrogate optimization module in MLMD.

Editorial Summary

To predict and design materials: A programming-free AI platform 

Improving the efficiency of materials discovery is crucial for advancing modern industry. However, researchers often face challenges in navigating complex experimental processes, which can be time-consuming and labor-intensive. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising solution to streamline this process. Despite numerous AI tools and platforms developed for materials science, they often have limitations, such as focusing solely on property prediction and being difficult to use without programming expertise, especially when dealing with limited data sets.


Fig. 6 | The atomic percentage distribution of novel AlxCoyCrzCuuFevNiw HEAs designed by Wen and MLMD.

A research team led by Prof. Tong-Yi Zhang from the Materials Genome Institute at Shanghai University has developed a programming-free AI platform called MLMD for materials design. This platform enables materials design by optimizing single or multiple properties through high-throughput screening and/or surrogate optimization. The challenge of limited data was overcome by leveraging active learning with Bayesian methods and surrogate optimization based on transfer learning.

Using the surrogate optimization module, the work successfully designed an advanced RAFM steel with an ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 723.1 MPa and a total elongation (TE) of 20.7%. These properties represent improvements of 12.5% for UTS and 41.4% for TE compared to the original dataset. The MLMD platform can also identify other advanced materials on the Pareto frontier by adjusting hyperparameters. These new materials can be tailored for specific applications.

Within the active learning module, the team has developed a tool called Bgolearn, which is specifically designed for materials design. Using this tool, they have discovered a high-hardness AlCoCrCuFeNi alloy (HEAs) with a composition similar to that of previous work. This finding demonstrates the effectiveness of their approach in identifying new materials with desired properties.

MLMD is designed to integrate materials experimentation/computation with AI-driven design, providing researchers with a cutting-edge tool for programming-free materials discovery. This platform can accelerate the identification of new materials with specific or multiple properties. MLMD is poised to become an indispensable resource for materials scientists and will significantly advance the field of materials informatics.

The first authors of this study are Jiaxuan Ma from Shanghai University and Bin Cao from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). The corresponding authors are Prof. Sheng Sun and Assistant Professor Jie Xiong, both from Shanghai University.

This article was recentlypublished in npj Computational Materials 10: 59 (2024).


MLMD: A programming-free AI platform to predict and design materials (MLMD:一个无需编程的AI平台,用于材料性能预测和材料设计)

Jiaxuan Ma, Bin Cao, Shuya Dong, Yuan Tian, Menghuan Wang, Jie Xiong, & Sheng Sun 

Abstract Accelerating the discovery of advanced materials is crucial for modern industries, aerospace, biomedicine, and energy. Nevertheless, only a small fraction of materials are currently under experimental investigation within the vast chemical space. Materials scientists are plagued by time-consuming and labor-intensive experiments due to lacking efficient material discovery strategies. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a promising instrument to bridge this gap. Although numerous AI toolkits or platforms for material science have been developed, they suffer from many shortcomings. These include primarily focusing on material property prediction and being unfriendly to material scientists lacking programming experience, especially performing poorly with limited data. Here, we developed MLMD, an AI platform for materials design. It is capable of effectively discovering novel materials with high-potential advanced properties end-to-end, utilizing model inference, surrogate optimization, and even working in situations of data scarcity based on active learning. Additionally, it integrates data analysis, descriptor refactoring, hyper-parameters auto-optimizing, and properties prediction. It also provides a web-based friendly interface without need programming and can be used anywhere, anytime. MLMD is dedicated to the integration of material experiment/computation and design, and accelerate the new material discovery with desired one or multiple properties. It demonstrates the strong power to direct experiments on various materials (perovskites, steel, high-entropy alloy, etc). MLMD will be an essential tool for materials scientists and facilitate the advancement of materials informatics.



